How To Get Motivated and Stay Motivated From This Weight Loss Programs in Kansas City

Just like with any decision, the choice to start a weight loss program is often met with initial excitement and resolve. Over time, however, life happens and things start to get in the way. It becomes difficult to make the right choices, set-aside time to exercise, or plan your meals.
Statistics can be another roadblock to most weight loss success stories: only 5% of people who experience weight loss are able to maintain their new weight for longer than five years. This can be discouraging.

However, as your Kansas City Xyngular consultant, I have some great news. There is groundbreaking research showing that while traditional diets may not work well, there are ways to lose weight and keep the weight gone. Long-term lifestyle changes and motivation are two big factors in lifelong weight loss. If you are looking into effective weight loss programs in Kansas City, please read the following tips for weight loss success.

1. Find a program you can maintain, even after your goal has been achieved.
A primary reason that diets are rarely successful is because they tend to be unsustainable. If you do not enjoy the way you are eating on your diet, then you will not be able to maintain the diet long term. In this case, any weight you lose will come right back once your diet is over.

Weight loss programs that lead to maintainable success are programs where you don’t count the days until they are over. A plan you want to stick, that involves healthy, nutritious food you actually enjoy eating is a weight loss plan that can change your lifestyle and lead to sustainable weight loss. I have followed a system for 7 years that has helped me keep 40 lbs off. It is one of the top weight loss supplement programs in Kansas City. It is easy to use, simple to maintain, and could be right for you, too.

2. Find your internal motivation:
The biggest hurdle in the path to weight loss is your own mind. While external motivation, like a doctor or loved one encouraging you to lose weight, can be helpful, intrinsic or internal motivation is all about you and is the most powerful when it comes to weight loss—or achieving any goal. In order to change, you truly need a strong internal desire to reach your goal. Pleasing others will rarely be enough motivation to get you there alone. Know what drives you!

3. Don’t forget to treat yourself:
Often, people believe that having a “cheat day” or occasional treats will ruin their chances of weight loss success. This could not be further from the truth! Allowing your body to have a special snack or treat every now and then can go a long way in curbing cravings and allowing a weight loss program to be maintainable. We have heard many weight loss success stories in Kansas City, and they almost all include the occasional cheat! That’s part of life, right?

If you are still worried about rewarding yourself with food or allowing an occasional treat, why not reward yourself with something fun? A spa day, new shoes, or any other small reward can help you stay on track and give you an extra motivator for all your hard work!

4. Keep track of your progress:
While I certainly don’t recommend being obsessive and checking the scale daily, monitoring your progress towards your weight loss goal can be a great source of motivation. I also suggest taking body measurements and relying on those, more than the number on the scale, to check your progress. Muscle weighs more than fat, so often the number of the tape measure goes down before the numbers on the scale. I recommend weighing yourself no more than once per week, at the same time of day for each weigh in. Taking photos of yourself allows you to visually see the changes you are making and is another great tool to keep track of your progress!

Monitoring your numbers also allows you to check in if things are not going well. If you are not seeing the progress you desire and are looking for fat burning supplements available in the Kansas City area, I have a program that may give you just the help your body needs.

5. Be kind and forgiving to yourself:
Remember, we are all human and none of us are perfect. Be kind and loving to yourself and your body. Do not let a mistake, large or small, or setback derail all your progress and motivation. Instead, turn your focus to the strides you have made and the healthier lifestyle you have already started to achieve. Forgive yourself, move on, and definitely don’t let a few slip-ups keep you from reaching your goals!

Hopefully, these tips can help you get started on your weight loss journey, or keep going if you’re already on the road to success! If you need any additional help or are looking for the best weight loss supplements in Kansas City, be sure to contact me. I’d love to help you reach your goals!