Shocking Sugar Facts

For many years, people have viewed sugar as terrible, appalling, the worst of the worst when it comes to food and healthy eating. Type sugar into any search engine, and you will be hit with hundreds of articles showing the various ways sugar can harm your body. Many weight loss success stories in Kansas City and weight loss programs in Kansas City will talk about how cutting out sugar resulted in health benefits and weight loss.

image of sugar in a weight loss programs in Kansas City

That said, sugar, and it’s effect on your diet, is not that simple. While sugar can certainly impact your health in a negative way, it also provides positive benefits that should not be ignored. Below, we will explore the various ways—both good and bad—that sugar affects your body.

Sugar on a molecular level:

There are many types of sugar, not just white sugar used in baking cakes and cookies. In fact, sugar is molecularly a type of carbohydrate. White sugar is a form of sucrose. Some other types include: fructose, maltose, glucose, and even lactose, which is found in milk. Many of these sugars are found in foods that are not just inescapable but contain many health benefits as well. Grains, dairy, even fruits and vegetables, all contain forms of sugar. It would be nearly impossible, and incredibly unhealthy, to remove sugar completely from your diet.

Aside from being a part of many healthy foods, sugar also offers benefits of its own. Your cells get energy directly from various types of sugar. Therefore, even the best weight loss programs in Kansas City encourage some type of sugar consumption!

All the benefits aside, added sugar, whether table sugar added to coffee or tea, or added sugar found hidden in the millions of prepackaged products we buy at the store—from cereal to pasta sauce to peanut butter—does indeed have a negative impact on your health. When you eat more sugar than your body needs, your body starts converting the excess sugar into fat cells.

What can we do about these extra sugar stores?

The best weight loss supplements in Kansas City can help your body control sugar.

Xyngular Trimstix aids in balancing sugar:

If you are looking for a great way to help balance the sugar levels in your body, contact your Xyngular consultant in Kansas City and ask about Trimstix. It will provide you with the regular boost of energy your body may be used to getting from excess sugar, all while balancing your body’s blood sugar levels. As a bonus, the energy you get from Trimstix won’t cause you to crash, unlike that double espresso latte with extra sugary flavor. Additionally, this consistent energy source helps curb sugar cravings all day long! This will keep you sugar at a healthy level, and also help with calorie control.

Managing your sugars correctly:
The takeaway from all of this is that sugar should not be treated as purely bad. Make sure you are eating the right balance and the proper types of sugar to keep your body functioning at its peak performance. Trimstix can help, and it is a great addition to any of the weight loss supplement programs available in Kansas City. It can help your weight loss management program while giving you the energy you need to get through the day!