How to Develop a Fitness Routine as a Beginner

Everyone starts their fitness journey at different stages in their lives. At My Ultimate Edge, we love seeing weight loss success stories in Kansas City and would love to help you achieve your fitness goals! We found some tips to create a fitness routine that pairs nicely with our weight loss supplement programs in Kansas […]

Gut Health and Weight Loss

Gut health affects your whole body; at My Ultimate Edge, we offer weight loss supplement programs in Kansas City that improve your stomach’s health, so you don’t feel sluggish, bloated, or tired. So, what exactly do the famous buzz words “gut health” mean?  Your gut is where tiny microorganisms live that control your health, mind, immunity, and other core functions of […]

Successful Weight Loss Programs in Kansas City

Weight loss can be a constant life struggle for most people. Learning how to eat a nutritious diet and exercise are the top answers for how to get healthier. However, what if there was another way to shed those pounds? Maybe through weight loss programs in Kansas City? Would you be interested? At My Ultimate […]

How To Start One of The Best Weight Loss Programs In Kansas City

Most weight loss programs focus on one solution to a multifaceted problem. The end result is usually failure to reach your weight loss goal. There could be one reason why you have gained weight, but normally it’s multiple reasons, and at My Ultimate Edge, we make sure and address them all. We supply customers with […]

Why Choose A Xyngular Core 4 Weight Loss Kit

Weight loss can be an endless struggle for most. Trying fad diets or new exercise routines can help but sometimes aren’t sustainable. Between diets and exercise, sometimes there is no movement, and we plateau. This can be very defeating and easily fall off the problem of health and weight loss. Unfortunately, it is really difficult […]

Health Benefits of Weight Loss

Most people want to lose weight so they can feel more confident or look better; however, there are far more health benefits that justify losing weight. Here is a quick list of reasons how starting one of the best weight loss programs in Kansas City can benefit you and your health.   Joint health is […]

Work Towards That Summer Body Now!

Summer is right around the corner, whether you are ready or not. That means the inevitable is coming up, that is the talk of a summer body. Have no fear, we are here to prepare you with the tools you need to get the summer body you want. With the right equation, you can set […]