When Are The Best Times To Eat Throughout The Day?

Knowing when to eat is key to impacting your health, and making your dream health goals a reality.  Intentionally upgrade your eating habits to maximize your fat burning and keep hunger at bay!  When are the best times to eat throughout the day?

We all love to eat, and there’s no denying it!  How can we continue eating the foods we love, while also striving to obtain our health and fitness goals.  Even the best weight supplements in Kansas City need to be managed and taken on a regular calendar.  Eating at the correct and appropriate times throughout the day will help maximize fat burning, and help keep you energetic and healthy!  Contact your local Xyngular consultant in Kansas City today to learn more about your unique diet.

Aim To Eat Every 3 – 4 Hours

 A lot of people eat three meals, and several snacks, a day, while others prefer to eat four smaller meals a day.  Timing your meals properly is a great way to motivate your dietary plans, and keep you on track for your weight loss programs in Kansas City.  If your meals are not timed properly, you might suffer from excess insulin, which won’t allow leptin to work its magic on your appetite control and metabolism.  Timing your meals also helps balance your stress hormone, cortisol.

Eat Within 1 Hour of Waking

Breakfast is an essential daily meal.  When you skip breakfast, your body can lose stimulating benefits that drastically affect your metabolic rate.  Your Xyngular consultant in Kansas City will tell you that maintaining a healthy and natural metabolic rate is vital when encouraging weight loss.  There is much research that shows that those who skip breakfast are heavier than those who do not skip breakfast.  Not only can it affect your weight, but also your stress hormone balance.  

Never Eat Within 3 Hours of Bedtime

Even the best weight loss supplements in Kansas City can be negated if a large meal or snack is consumed before falling asleep.  Eating too close to falling asleep raises your body temperature, increases blood sugar, and prevents the release of melatonin.  All of these can interfere with the quality of your sleep, which can leave you craving more food, and a high likelihood of overeating the next day.

Start The Day With Protein

Starting your day with a healthy amount of protein can help you manage your appetite control by combining your starchy carbs at lunch, dinner, or after your workouts in the morning.  Eggs or whey protein smoothies are great breakfast foods, and will help you eat less throughout the day!  This can be a great start to a successful weight loss program in Kansas City.

Always Eat Within 45 Minutes of Finishing Your Workout

This vital meal or snack is the only one of the day that should not contain fat and should be higher in carbohydrates.  Weight loss programs in Kansas City are all about understanding when and when not to eat certain foods.  For example, drinking a smoothie made with juice, fruit, and protein powder, without any oils, are what you should strive toward consuming at this time.

Never Do Your Weight Training On An Empty Stomach

Although often forgotten with so many unhealthy food options available to us, energy is the main reason we consume food at all.  Working out on an empty stomach can be dangerous and unproductive.  Completing a cardio workout before eating can be healthy though, but only if less than 30 minutes. 

Focus On Your Food

Snacking can be a dangerously thin line that can quickly lead to weight gain.  Eating while working, watching TV, or relaxing can be dangerous if not managed properly.  Xyngular consultants in Kansas City will not support this dietary element and highly encourage against it.  Stay strong, and keep pushing toward your goals!

Eat Protein First

When approaching your meal or a full plate, eat the protein options first.  Eating the protein first can help speed up the process in your brain that encourages you to stop eating, in other words, the feeling of being “full.”  This can be a great way to maintain and manage your weight loss program in Kansas City. 

Knowing when to eat is key to impacting your health, losing weight, and making your health goals a reality.  Intentionally upgrade your eating habits to maximize your fat burning and keep hunger at bay! Include the Xyngular system and your results can be expedited, like they have for so many others!  For more health and fitness tips and tricks, call Kasey Frost at 316-200-0209 today!