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What Your Food Cravings Mean

When you are currently on a weight loss program in Kansas City, you have probably changed your diet and found that you often endure weird cravings. It is important to understand why they are triggered and how to fix them without giving into your diet. Here are three of the most common cravings we see in our weight loss programs and what they mean.

Sugar and Carbs

Both of these cravings come up for many reasons. The main cause of this craving is an imbalance in your blood sugar and the need for quick energy. Satisfying this craving and eating this way over time can also create a preference for sweets, leading you to failure through your weight loss program. It actually makes healthier foods less palatable for your body.


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Lack of sleep is also a large factor towards these cravings. When you don’t get enough rest, your body actually increases your hunger and appetite triggers within your brain.

We have a solution for this craving. Make sure your meals are well balanced with healthy fats, protein, and vegetables to ensure proper nutrition. Try and make the most of your body’s rest period and get good sleep. Find a good routine and aim for 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night.

Salty Snacks

Your body works in its best shape when it is well hydrated, and your electrolyte levels are solid. So, the most common cause of a salt craving is dehydration. Whether from sweating, exercise, or not drinking water, there are many ways your body can become dehydrated. Salty cravings are just your body’s way of looking to rehydrate itself.

To curb this craving try and drink some more water throughout your day. This should kick that stubborn craving to the curb, helping you stay on your diet and maintain success while working through a weight loss supplement program.

Common Salty Cravings

  • Chips
  • Pretzels
  • Popcorn


This craving is one of the most popular we see during weight loss programs in the Kansas City area. Surprisingly, this is not a universal craving, this craving is specifically directed towards the United States and not other regions. The science behind this craving lies within the ingredients of chocolate. Chocolate includes magnesium. A magnesium deficiency is very common, and a chocolate craving could be your body’s way of letting you know you need more magnesium-rich foods within your diet.


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This sweet treat also increases serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine levels within your brain. These send signals through your body, enhancing feelings of joy and happiness. This makes it much easier to crave, because we want to eat those foods that bring us pleasure.

One way to cut this craving is to indulge upon it. Try a square or two of dark chocolate to boost antioxidants in your system and satisfy your chocolate fix. Not too much of course!

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Are you ready to jump in and kick start your weight loss journey? We are ready to have you! If you have done your research, you will have found that My Ultimate Edge is likely the best option for you. We are ready to see you thrive and find success in your weight loss journey. Join our program today! Call Kasey Frost to talk about your options! Reach Kasey at (316) 200-0209.