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Tips for Achieving the Perfect Summer Health In Kansas City

While it may be June, it’s never too late to achieve the perfect summer body. If you’re ready to rock that swimsuit like never before, follow these five tips for toning up and shedding a few pounds this summer! Tips for achieving the perfect summer health in Kansas City.

Achieving Summer Health

Achieving Summer Health

Tip #1 – High protein meals

One of the most basic changes you should make for bikini season is adding more protein to your diet. Protein keeps you full which will help you eat less during the day and ultimately lose weight. Many weight loss success stories in Kansas City say swapping out a heavy carb breakfast for a protein-based meal is a great way to start your day and control your appetite throughout the day.

Tip #2 – Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep at night is essential when it comes to losing weight. Sleep deprivation causes your body to increase in glucose and insulin levels, which leads to fat buildup and makes you more stressed. The stress hormone, cortisol, when triggered, makes it more difficult to control your appetite and eat a lot of food. Additionally, a good nights sleep just makes you feel better all around. The more energized you are, the more energy you have to work out and become a better version of yourself.

Tip #3 – Cut out carbs

If you’re looking to shed the few pounds you gained over the winter months, then cutting down carbs and sugars is one of your best bets. While you don’t want to cut carbs out of your diet completely, you can try replacing a high-carb food with a protein-based item instead. If carb consumption is one of your weaknesses, consider weight loss supplement plans and become one of the many weight loss success stories in Kansas City!

Tip #4 – HIIT

Forget the idea that running and spending an hour every day on the elliptical is going to put you in great shape and lose a ton of weight. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is actually the most effective form of cardio to lose weight. These are short, intense sweat sessions that get your heart raising, followed by short recovery periods. HIIT keeps your heart rate up hours after your workout has ended which allows you to burn calories even when you’re resting. If you don’t know where to start when it comes to exercise, My Ultimate Edge weight loss kit in Kansas City come with light exercise recommendations that are easy to follow.

Tip #5 – Weight loss supplement programs

Along with adding more protein to your diet, cutting carbs, getting enough sleep and working out, joining weight loss programs in Kansas City will undoubtedly help you lose weight – fast and easy. The best weight loss supplement plans from Ultimate Edge will help you curb your appetite, enhance your energy level, and build lean muscle.