Tag Archives: On-the-Go Healthy Eating Tips for Busy Schedules

On-the-Go Healthy Eating Tips

On-the-Go Healthy Eating Tips

Weight loss programs in Kansas City can be extremely beneficial and productive. However, one of the most challenging parts of any program is how to stay on plan while eating on the go. Picking up a quick snack or meal while out and about may seem more natural, or even necessary, but I am here to show you how you can save time, calories, and even money by planning. From your Xyngular consultant in Kansas City, here are some top tips for on-the-go healthy eating tips for busy schedules.

On-the-Go Healthy Eating Tips

Avoid Prepackaged Foods

No matter how much you plan, there will always be a time that you are caught off guard and unexpected away from home for longer than you had expected. In these instances, it can be necessary to grab something from the store. My best advice in these situations is to avoid prepackaged snacks. While they are a quick and easy option, they tend to be full of sugar, calories, salt, and artificial ingredients. Fortunately, some quick options will allow you to stick to your Kansas City weight loss supplement plan. If you are near a local grocery store, you can grab fresh fruit or vegetables. Often they will have them precut and cleaned for you. If you need a more protein packed snacks, add some nut butter or healthy cheeses.

Make a Plan Ahead of Time

While it is possible to find healthy choices on the road, planning is always the better option for sticking to a weight loss supplement program in Kansas City. If you know you have a long trip or a day out of the house, you can pack a healthy snack and portable meal choices to enjoy on the road. Hard-boiled eggs, Xyngular shakes, and fruit and vegetables make for great, easy to grab snacks. You can also pack approved meals in portable containers. This will help you stay prepared for whatever the day brings.

Make Use of Leftovers

At my house, leftovers are a coveted commodity. They can easily be packed up after a meal for grab and go meals on long days out of the house. I will often make more dinner than necessary to allow for this option. By switching up main courses and different side dishes from a few meals, you can create new meals, so you do not get bored with the same meal day after day. You also know that the meal you prepared is approved for your Kansas City weight loss program, making it the perfect grab and go meal for later in the week.

Research Restaurants in Advance

If you know you are planning to eat out, either on your own or with friends, check out the menu online before you go. This will give you the opportunity to make sure there are meal options available that fit into your Kansas City weight loss supplement plan. If you end up at a restaurant that does not offer any plan-friendly meals on their menu, ask your server if the chef will adjust a meal to meet your needs. Many times, they are happy to accommodate!

Keep a Water Bottle Handy

Staying hydrated is key. In fact, our brains are easily tricked, and we often think we are hungry when in fact we are just thirsty. If you drink plenty of water throughout the day, you will avoid these phantom hunger pangs. Keep a refillable water bottle on hand to make sure you have access to water throughout the day.

If you would like more tips for eating healthy on the go or the best weight loss supplements in Kansas City, be sure to reach out to me, your Kansas City Xyngular consultant, at 316-200-0209.