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Staying on Track While Traveling

If you travel a lot for work or go on vacations frequently, you understand it can be somewhat difficult to stay on track with your health and fitness while on the go. But why is that? For some reason, society and the little voice inside our head tell us its okay to “treat yourself” while traveling. Yes, it’s necessary to give yourself a break from the gym every so often and eat the chocolate cake, but if you are a frequent traveler, it’s probably a good idea to find ways to stay on track and make smart choices while on the go. Having trouble staying on track while traveling? Let’s go!

At Ultimate Edge, our weight loss programs in Kansas City will help you take control of your health and allow you to lose weight, but it’s important to not solely rely on supplements to stay fit. Here are six tips to follow while traveling so you can enjoy your trip without losing sight of your goals!

Stay Moving!

Navigating a large airport like Atlanta or LAX to find your terminal will undoubtedly increase your step count, but if you have a long layover, it can be easy to sit down for those few hours and read a book. When it comes to exercise, you don’t need a gym to get your activity in for the day. Some movement, even if it’s just taking a short 10-minute walk, is better than nothing at all. So the next time you find yourself with an annoyingly long layover, pass the time by taking a lap around the airport.

Our weight loss supplement programs offered by Xyngular even come with exercise plans that are simple to follow. Most hotels include a fitness room, so wake up early and start your day on the right foot!

Pack high protein snacks!

Whether you are flying or driving, packing your own, healthy snacks will prevent you from purchasing that $6 mini bag of M&M’s at the airport you don’t need. High protein snacks will keep you feeling fuller longer and are more beneficial to your body than sugary snacks. Some examples include nuts, protein bars, turkey jerky, dried fruit, and rice cakes. Pairing healthy eating with Xyngular weight loss supplement plans, you’ll be well on your way to your ideal shape and size.

Skip the fries!

Because going out to eat while traveling is much easier than buying groceries for a hotel room that doesn’t have a kitchen, be smart and make healthy choices! For example:

  • Opt for steamed veggies
  • Go grilled instead of fried
  • Skip the fries and order a salad. Make sure you ask for dressing on the side, as dressing can quickly rack up calories!
  • Avoid sugary alcoholic drinks and heavy beer by asking for either a vodka water/tonic with lime or a lower calorie beer

Our weight loss supplement programs through Xyngular are unique in that they help curb your appetite and mitigate calories, so you can feel less stressed while eating out!


The most important thing you can do for your body is keeping it hydrated. While traveling, you’ll probably eat out a lot and eat foods you aren’t used to eating. By drinking enough water, you can prevent bloating, digestive issues, and even curb your appetite. A good rule of thumb is to drink between .5 and 1 oz of water per one pound of body weight.

If you have a difficult time losing weight while constantly traveling, contact a Xyngular consultant in Kansas City today to learn more about our weight loss kits in Kansas City. They will provide dietary guidelines and exercise plans to follow so you can see rapid results! Our many weight loss success stories in Kansas City are proof our supplement plans work. Order today to remove the added stress of weight gain while traveling and start enjoying yourself!