ketogenic food for a ketogenic diet

Prepare Your Body for Ketosis

What is ketosis?

It is a natural process that occurs in your body when the main source of energy—glucose—is unavailable. Instead of burning this simple sugar for energy, your body turns to its fat stores for fuel. If you have heard anyone talking about the keto diet, the process of ketosis is the underlying science behind it. The keto diet is an increasingly popular weight loss program in Kansas City.

How does it work?

Carbohydrates like wheat and grains, fruits and vegetables, and even beans and other legumes are typical sources of glucose in your body. By following a keto program, you reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet to encourage your body to burn fat instead. Additionally, some of the best weight loss supplements in Kansas City will help your body reach ketosis.

How does your body get into the ketosis stage?

If glucose is available in your body, you will use it first. Once all the glucose has been used, your body will begin burning fat stores. At this point, your body is in the ketosis stage. While in ketosis, your liver will work to break down any stores of fat and turn them into ketones, which is a type of acid. Your body will get rid of these excess ketones through urination.

The foods you eat and top weight loss supplement programs in Kansas City will help encourage your body to stay in the ketosis stage by keeping the level of glucose in your body low and giving it the fat it needs to produce energy. Depending on the amount of glucose available to your body, it can take anywhere from just a couple days to a full week before your body will reach ketosis. Your activity level and body type can also influence the time it takes to reach ketosis.

Are there any side effects to a keto diet?

For many people who begin a keto diet, especially those trying it out for the first time, they may experience a variety of symptoms collectively called the “keto flu.” These include things like nausea, vertigo, food or sugar cravings, general fatigue, and insomnia. These symptoms can last from a few days to a couple of weeks as your body adjusts to the new diet and energy source. Certain weight loss supplement plans in Kansas City can help reduce the severity and length of this “keto flu.” To combat some of these symptoms, staying hydrated is key. Make sure you are increasing your water intake as you start a new keto diet. I suggest drinking at least a half of gallon of water each day. You may want to add even more if you are extremely active.

How do you prepare yourself for ketosis?

Reaching you to your Xyngular consultant in Kansas City will offer many resources to help prepare you for a transition to a keto lifestyle. There are a number of meal plans included in our top weight loss supplement program that will help your body prepare for ketosis and to stay in ketosis. This program will reduce the stress and planning required to track the carbohydrates and fat in your diet. We will have already done the counting and planning for you! If you follow our plan and stick to the program, your body should reach ketosis quickly and begin burning fat to create energy.

How do you know if you have reached ketosis?

To determine whether or not your body has reached the ketosis stage, you can pick up keto strips from any pharmacy. They will help you measure the ketones in your body, which will let you know if you are in ketosis or not. Keep in mind, reaching ketosis is dependent on a multitude of factors, so the timing is different for everyone. You and a friend may start a keto program on the same day and reach ketosis at very different times. You also may experience different symptoms and cravings as your body reaches ketosis. Just remember that the most important part of any keto diet is time. Give yourself time and be patient in reaching ketosis. It is also extremely important to stick to the diet. Allowing yourself cheat days or meals in a keto program can derail your success and quickly get your body out of ketosis, or prevent it from getting there in the first place. Following one of best weight loss supplement plans in Kansas City will not only make sure that you are getting all the nutrients you need to reach ketosis and live a healthy life, but it can also make sticking to the plan easier.

What are the benefits of ketosis?

Ketosis can be one of the best weight loss programs in Kansas City. Not only will you lose weight, though, but you will also have increased energy, as fat is truly a superior energy source, and burn fat more quickly. The best way to reap these benefits is to jump right in and stick with the program.

Contact me, your local Xyngular consultant, today at 316-200-0209 to find out more