Kristen’s Testimony

Weight Loss Success Story Of The Week

Who can relate to my friend Kristen? Imagine not feeling that daily “yucky” and needing a crutch to get you through!!!

“RIP Mt Dew. It’s been 2 years ago today since we said our goodbyes. And I’m sorry to say, but I DON’T EVEN MISS YOU!!! 😁

I didn’t realize how crappy I felt until I stopped seeing you multiple times a day. But now, my life is better than ever! I’ve lost 20 pounds of that pesky weight you made me carry around, I sleep so much better, and I honestly have more energy without you. I have made new friends that are actually good to me!!

So thank you for being part of my life, but sorry, not sorry, that you’re gone!! ❤️❤️