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How To Get Back Into The Gym

How many times do you find yourself trying on swimsuits at the store, stuffing your face with pizza, or running out of breath after going for a brisk walk and saying “I need to start going to the gym more.” This is how to get back into the gym!

Or how many years have you made it your new year’s goal to workout 3x a week and lose 20lbs, and then stop going to the gym just a few weeks into the year?

When life happens, it becomes so easy to throw in the gym towel and say, “I’ll try again next week (or year).” We get it, making time for the gym and finding the motivation to persistently go can be extremely difficult. As one of the best weight loss programs in Kansas City, our goal at Ultimate Edge is to empower people to be healthy and reach their ideal weight through our weight loss supplement programs. While our supplements may help you lose troublesome fat, in order to feel your best, exercising regularly will tremendously boost your energy and confidence.

Well, are you ready to get moving again? Here are some tips for getting your booty back in the gym.

Shop Till You Drop (the weight)

Other than noticing a change in your physical appearance, the next best part about going to the gym is the excuse of buying new athletic apparel and tennis shoes. Nothing will motivate you more than getting to wear your cute, new leggings and tank tops. Having new clothing to wear will not only encourage you to go to the gym, but it will make you feel confident when you’re dressed the part.

“I am STRONG!”

When the going gets tough, have a mantra to push you through.  The mind is a powerful muscle, and you have the power to essentially reprogram your mind to make things happen. Find a short, motivating mantra to repeat to yourself the next time you are struggling near the end of a race or when your muscles are screaming to stop. Obviously, listen to your body, but you have more strength in you than you may think. It’s all merely a mind game.

By signing up for one of Ultimate Edge’s weight loss supplement plans, you will connect with a supportive group of people who are taking control of their health too.


When creating your goals, make them SMART. Be specific about your goal by stating what it is you want to achieve and why. To be measurable, you need a goal that can be tracked and ultimately tell you when or how much further you have until you reach your target. For weight loss, this can be how much more weight you have to lose. Is your goal attainable? Challenge yourself, but don’t aim for something that is entirely out of reach. Be realistic about your abilities. Do you think you can run a marathon in three months without having any running experience? Probably not. And lastly, be timely by setting a deadline for accomplishing your goal.

Be Prepared to Attack

Gym intimidation is a real thing, especially when you don’t have a plan. At the beginning of the week, write out your plan of attack for each day you intend on going to the gym. You will not only feel confident during your workout, but you will walk out of the gym feeling ready to conquer the day. With our weight loss supplement programs, you will receive supplements combined with dietary advice and exercise recommendations.

Forget the 21-day theory; a new study suggests it takes anywhere from 18 to 254 days to form a new habit. Before you give up, remember that change doesn’t happen overnight. However, if you want to lose weight fast, our fat burning products allow people to see rapid results and are backed by many weight loss success stories in Kansas City. Combining exercise with our weight loss supplement plans offered by Xyngular, you will quickly be on your way to becoming your best self. Contact a Xyngular consultant in Kansas City today to learn more information.

Change Your Life with the Ultimate Transformation Kit Healthy Diet Plan

What would you say if you could wake up one morning as a better person in every way? What if you were healthier, wealthier, happier, and more energetic? What would it mean for you? How could it change your career? How would it change your family life?

At Ultimate Edge, we believe that you can go through the ultimate transformation. Our healthy diet plan can change your life entirely. This easy-to-follow healthy diet plan and supplement program will help you to lose weight, build muscle, and stay healthy without any nasty side effects or complicated exercise routines.