Category Archives: Weight Loss Programs

weight loss supplement programs in Kansas City

Successful Weight Loss Programs in Kansas City

Weight loss can be a constant life struggle for most people. Learning how to eat a nutritious diet and exercise are the top answers for how to get healthier. However, what if there was another way to shed those pounds? Maybe through weight loss programs in Kansas City? Would you be interested? At My Ultimate Edge, we have a program that can finally give you success in your weight loss journey. Let’s start by reviewing some of the typical weight loss methods that are a part of our system at My Ultimate Edge, one of the top weight loss supplement programs in Kansas City.

Working Out

Exercise has so many benefits to your body and mind. The movement of your body can actually make you feel happier. Stress and anxiety that can lead to overeating instead gets worked out through exercise. Staying active can also help you build strong bones and muscles. This helps your body to burn more fat, decreases your risk for injury, and helps you to remain strong through aging. When you exercise regularly, it can also increase your energy. Most people think that if they exercise, they won’t have the energy to do their necessary tasks throughout the day. But exercise actually increases your capacity for more energy. You will also see that your blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and other conditions will get too much healthier levels. Exercise is good for your whole body and your mind! When considering weight loss programs in Kansas City, like My Ultimate Edge, we have exercise guides for you to help on your journey.

weight loss supplement programs in Kansas City

Eating Healthy

Food is what fuels your body to be able to function at its highest level. Fueling it with junk will only break down your bodily system and leave it susceptible to disease. When you fuel it with healthy and high-quality ingredients, it runs at its best capacity. If you choose one of Ultimate Edge’s successful weight loss supplement programs in Kansas City, you are also getting nutrients your body needs in addition to healthy foods. So, what are some benefits of choosing healthy foods? Weight loss is a big benefit to choosing a healthy diet. Your body will be less likely to develop serious problems like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and other conditions that have been linked directly to unhealthy diets and lifestyles. Unhealthy diets can also lead to sugar crashes, which are directly related to memory and mood. When you eat healthier, your memory improves, and your mood is more stabilized.

When you have tried these two options and feel like you have plateaued, it might be time to consider weight loss supplement programs in Kansas City that can boost your results. Xyngular is a type of health system that is both all-natural and effective. If progress has been stunted, then choosing Xyngular in Kansas City is an excellent way to jump-start your metabolism and begin making the progress you want to see.

Kansas City weight loss kits

When you choose a Kansas City Xyngular consultant at My Ultimate Edge to work with, you choose to live a healthier lifestyle with the help of a mentor and a successful weight loss program. My Ultimate Edge offers you the opportunity to change your life.

To get started, give us a call at (316) 200-0209 or visit our website to request more information. Come see how we can help you lose weight and get your life back.

How To Start One of The Best Weight Loss Programs In Kansas City

Most weight loss programs focus on one solution to a multifaceted problem. The end result is usually failure to reach your weight loss goal. There could be one reason why you have gained weight, but normally it’s multiple reasons, and at My Ultimate Edge, we make sure and address them all. We supply customers with a variety of products and instructions for day-to-day recommendations so that you are successful on your journey.


What Can My Ultimate Edge Do for me?


  • Curb your appetite so that you aren’t craving food and starving all day long. When you don’t address this fact, it is less likely that you will meet your goals.
  • You will recover quicker from exercise, which makes the process much more enjoyable. When you aren’t in pain, and you recover, you are more likely to jump in and do more exercise.
  • You won’t feel the depressing feeling you feel normally when starting a diet. Regular dieting can shock your system and cause blood sugar issues and mood disturbances. At My Ultimate Edge, one of the best weight loss programs in Kansas City, our supplements provide a much-needed boost, so you keep feeling like yourself as you start the program.
  • My Ultimate Edge provides your body with a full spectrum of nutritional balance so that your body isn’t lacking in any vitamins or minerals essential to having a healthy system.

Where Do I Start?


My Ultimate Edge understands that every person is unique at where they are in their weight loss journey while offering the best weight loss kits in Kansas City. Therefore, we have created three different kits to get you started.


  • The Ultimate Transformation Kit is for the person that needs a big change in their health.


  • The Ignite Kit is for people that need a change of habit and increase their lifestyle health while building muscle and controlling appetite.


  • Core 4 is a custom-built kit consisting of a 30-day journey that helps you lose weight and cleanse your body of toxins. This is ideal for people that have been working on weight loss but have plateaued or can’t get past a certain point.


If you are not sure what the best weight loss kit in Kansas City is for your needs, talk to one of our professionals.

My Ultimate Edge has earned the reputation as of the best Weight Loss Programs In Kansas City because we strive to create a unique program for you that is healthy, sustainable, and will get you the results you want. Give us a call at (316) 200-0209 to get started, or visit our website to learn more about our products.

Why Choose A Xyngular Core 4 Weight Loss Kit

Weight loss can be an endless struggle for most. Trying fad diets or new exercise routines can help but sometimes aren’t sustainable. Between diets and exercise, sometimes there is no movement, and we plateau. This can be very defeating and easily fall off the problem of health and weight loss. Unfortunately, it is really difficult to lose weight and stay on most weight loss plans long-term. With the help of a Xyngular weight loss consultant in Kansas City, together with the Xyngular Core 4 Weight Loss Kit, a fast weight loss kit in Kansas City, you will have everything you need including great support to make sure you reach your goals in as little as 30 days. Want to know more about what’s in the kit and how it can help you finally lose the weight and keep it off?


Xyngular weight loss consultant in Kansas City

So What’s In The Kit?

-Xyng appetite control supplements

-Lean snack replacement powder for smoothies

-Cheat calorie mitigation supplements

-Flush gut cleanse capsules


The Xyngular Core 4 Weight Loss Kit, the fast weight loss kit in Kansas City has three key factors that keep you motivated throughout your weight loss journey.

  1. Energy Boosting- Boost your metabolism
  2. Control Your Appetite- control cravings
  3. Cleanse Your Gut- cleanse toxins from your body


With My Ultimate Edge and a Xyngular weight loss consultant in Kansas City, we include other weight loss tools, and not just a single dimensional kind of weight loss program, such as:


  • Healthy Eating Plans that don’t require fancy foods, but just basic, healthy whole foods you can find at any local market.
  • Exercise Guides that are simple and work. No need to remember complicated workout routines.
  • Support with a Xyngular weight loss consultant in Kansas City. Our consultants know how hard the weight loss journey can be and are available for help or consultation.



Ultimate Edge Provides Support

With the Xyngular Core 4 Weight Loss Kit, you can expect to have everything you need to get started. Unlike other weight loss plans that you have to manage on your own, we provide a multi-dimensional program of weight loss that will give you the supplies and support you need to stay motivated.


Xyngular weight loss consultant in Kansas City

At My Ultimate Edge, we have the products to help keep you slimmed down, and more importantly, give you a healthy body so you can feel good.  We also offer discounts on products if you want to become a distributor, so don’t hesitate to ask how you can become one. Contact us today at 316-200-0209 or visit our website for more information

weight loss programs in Kansas City

Health Benefits of Weight Loss

Most people want to lose weight so they can feel more confident or look better; however, there are far more health benefits that justify losing weight. Here is a quick list of reasons how starting one of the best weight loss programs in Kansas City can benefit you and your health.


  1. Joint health is one of the most important things to consider while staying pain-free as we age. For each pound of fat, it feels like four pounds of weight to your joints. Being able to move without pain is a huge benefit and something to look forward to in your weight loss journey.
  2. You can reduce your susceptibility for diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and some forms of cancer by losing weight. Health risks are increased when an individual carries around excess weight. The whole body and its organs have to work much harder in order to compensate for the extra pounds, and it wears down the body much faster.
  3. Hormones are what run the body and having a weight that is within a healthy range can enable organs that produce hormones to function at the highest possible level. Without a proper hormone balance, people experience sleep, eating, and mood disturbances that are hard to overcome without weight loss.

weight loss programs in Kansas City


  1. Boosting your immune system is what everyone is seeking during the times of Covid-19. Weight loss programs in Kansas City, such as The Ultimate Edge, can help you boost your immunity and keep you healthy.
  2. Carrying excess weight can make your blood pressure spike and cause a whole host of other health dangers. By keeping a healthy weight, you are allowing your body to maintain healthy blood pressure. By starting weight loss supplement plans in Kansas City, you are investing in your body and moving towards a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Your lungs and breathing capacity increase, making moving around much easier, and you are able to do tasks that once left you out of breath. This can enable you to get more done and take part in more aerobic activities that you may not have been able to be a part of before. By taking advantage of all the benefits of the best weight loss supplement plans in Kansas City through My Ultimate Edge, you are reinvesting back into your health.
  4. You avoid digestive issues such as heartburn and acid reflux that tend to increase greatly over time when you are overweight. Losing weight can greatly reduce the symptoms of digestive issues or get them to disappear altogether.


weight loss programs in Kansas City

Your body is a system, and when it’s unhealthy, the whole system and all its functions do not work properly. One of the best weight loss supplement plans in Kansas City, My Ultimate Edge, can help you in your weight loss journey to become a healthier person that not only looks great but feels great!  Give us a call today at 316-200-0209 or visit our website to schedule a free consultation to find out how weight loss programs in Kansas City can help you.

weight loss program in Kansas City

Work Towards That Summer Body Now!

Summer is right around the corner, whether you are ready or not. That means the inevitable is coming up, that is the talk of a summer body. Have no fear, we are here to prepare you with the tools you need to get the summer body you want. With the right equation, you can set yourself up for success and achieve your summer body goals. Join us through this article to learn about four things you can do to achieve your summer body this season.

Get Enough Rest

Sleep is such an underrated part of your weight loss journey. Sleep deprivation causes your body to increase glucose and insulin levels, which leads to fat buildup and makes you more stressed. The stress hormone, cortisol, when triggered, makes it more difficult to control your appetite and eat a lot of food. Additionally, a good night’s sleep just makes you feel better all around. The more energized you are, the more energy you have to work out and become a better version of yourself.

weight loss program in Kansas City

Well Rounded Meals

Proteins, healthy fats, and vegetables all make up a well-rounded meal, and it is so important that you are eating meals that are best for you. High carb meals, such as pasta, should be kept to a minimum and well regulated specific to your weight loss plan. Alongside your supplements from the best weight loss program in Kansas City, you should design a diet that works for you in order to make the most of your weight loss journey.

Stick to a Workout Plan

Whether in a gym or at home, it is important to stay active to keep your body working for you. Stick to a workout plan that you can rely on, even on the days that you don’t want to work out. Your body needs to burn more calories than you take in, and we know that we eat every day, and therefore we should be working out once a day, every other day, or less often if you are using high-intensity workouts. Talk with the weight loss community for workout ideas if you are at a loss, or even consider meeting with a personal trainer to come up with a workout plan designed just for you. Everyone that is going through our weight loss program at the moment is ready to help you succeed in any way we can!

weight loss program in Kansas City

Join the Weight Loss Supplement Plan Everyone is Talking About

weight loss program in Kansas City

There is one way you can successfully work towards your summer body, and that is by investing in My Ultimate Edge, the best weight loss supplement program in Kansas City. We want to see you succeed. Join us today! Contact Kasey Frost, founder of My Ultimate Edge, to talk about your options with our weight loss supplement plans. Call her at (316) 200-0209 today!