Best Healthy Food Alternatives Weight loss programs in Kansas City | IT Works weight loss success stories | Weight loss supplement programs | best weight loss kits

Best Healthy Food Alternatives

Weight loss programs in Kansas City are all about living a healthy lifestyle, and one of the most important factors among weight loss success stories in Kansas City is eating healthy. Fortunately, healthy eating doesn’t have to be complicated! There are many food swaps you can easily make when preparing your next meal or when you’re out to eat. Let’s look at the best healthy food alternatives. 

Best Healthy Food Alternatives

Best Healthy Food Alternatives

Staying hydrated is one of the most important things you can do to your body! Even though we hear that all the time, how often do you find yourself actually drinking water? Probably not as much as you should. If you love carbonated drinks, the trend right now is carbonated flavored water! When you’re at the store, grab some LaCroix instead of that box of Coke for your carbonation fix.

Skip the bun

At a restaurant, it can feel impossible to find something off the menu that is low in calories. This is when you have to get creative. When ordering something with a bun, ask for a lettuce bun instead. You will save an immense amount of calories by just skipping the bread!

No more sour cream

Next time you’re celebrating Taco Tuesday, replace the sour cream with plain, non-fat Greek yogurt. Sound weird? You’d be surprised at how similar the two taste! Sour cream is high in fat and calories, whereas non-fat Greek yogurt is much lower in both and is better for a healthy digestive system!

Oodles of zoodles

Along with carbonated water, another trend right now is zucchini noodles! Zoodles are a much lower calorie option than regular pasta and have many benefits. Replacing your pasta dishes with zucchini noodles can even help aid in weight loss. Can you imagine how much weight you could lose when pairing zoodles with one of our weight loss supplement programs?!

PB Powder

Unless you’re allergic, it’s pretty hard to hate peanut butter. If you are a peanut butter connoisseur, opt for powdered peanut butter (PB2) instead of your traditional peanut butter brands like Jif. Powdered peanut butter is 85% less in fat and calories and tastes just as great!

As you can see, there are many food alternatives you can make to help you lose weight. Pairing these food swaps with the best fat burning supplements in Kansas City will do wonders for your weight loss journey! For additional support, Ultimate Edge’s weight loss supplement programs come with easy-to-follow dietary advice to help you get started. These weight loss supplement plans even curb your appetite and alleviate your weight gain from calorie consumption! Give it a try by contacting a Xyngular consultant in Kansas City today.